April Recap

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If April showers really do bring May flowers, then we can expect to see a magnificent array of blooms any day now.  April’s rainfall total came in at 5.22 inches, considerably more than the 3.1 inch average.  We saw only 5 days of all-day sunshine.  This was good for retailers in the area during spring break.  We saw droves of visitors in Duck and Corolla for the two weeks mid-month over Spring Break.  Twiddy alone had nearly 550 check-in’s the weekend of April 12th. 
We will soon enjoy smooth traffic patterns for a  little bit:  The west  bound lanes of the Wright Memorial Bridge are scheduled to reopen on May 15th, but the bridge work is not complete, so next winter we can again expect one-lane each way on  the bridge. 
The sound-side board walk extension is nearly complete.  It will add 770 feet to the sound-side boardwalk making it span a distance of nearly 1 mile once it opens.  If you have not experienced the boardwalk yet, please do yourself a favor and make the time to do so soon. 
In real estate news, things are still relatively unstable.  We’ve seen a jump in the inventory this year by 12%, and the number of  residential sales has decreased by 12%.  This is for the entire Outer Banks, not just the northern beaches.  The good news is that interest rates are staying low.  This should help the market continue on its slow path towards recovery.  The number of foreclosures remains at a reduced level; however, short sale property sales are on the rise. 
As always, if you ever have any real estate related questions, please let us hear from you.  We are happy to help! 

March Recap

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March did not disappoint; it came in like a lion and went out like a lamb.  We are now enjoying some fantastic, warm weather in Duck!  We are hopeful that the worst of winter is now behind us.  We are seeing signs of spring everywhere, but most notably is the increase in the number of properties that have been placed under contract in recent weeks.  This is a sure sign of warmer weather on the horizon. 

March was a busy month for activities on the Outer Banks.  The Kelly’s Saint Patrick’s Day Parade was a tremendous success this year, drawing thousands of spectators despite the cold, wet weather.  The Taste of the Beach that same weekend brought hundreds to sample some of the best cuisine the Outer Banks has to offer. 

Although the new flood maps for Dare and Currituck Counties are not yet available, we are hearing good news.  We are expecting an 82% drop in VE zone structures and a 65% drop in AE zones. 

Many of you have also heard that President Obama signed into law the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act.  This officially amends some negative changes to the National Flood Insurance Program that were put into place by the Biggert-Waters Act in July of 2012.  If you are in a flood zone and your house was built prior to the establishment of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (or FIRM) in 1978, you will still see a rate increase of 25% annually until actual risk rates are in place.  For most homeowners on the northern beaches, your homes were built after the FIRMS were established.  Your rate increases are now caped at 15% annually.  The best aspects of the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act is that once again buyers can assume flood policies already in place by sellers, and grandfathering has been reinstated.  As long as your house was built after 1978 (post FIRM) and was built to code, you will be protected from rate spikes caused by flood zoning changes.   We can all breath a big sigh of relief now. 

February Recap

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As the long and brutal winter of 2014 drags on, many of you are looking for signs of spring.  On the Outer Banks, we’ve been carefully watching for the return of the Ospreys, and they have at last graced us with their presence.   As another winter storm bears down on us this week, it is probably safe to assume that we will be a few more weeks before spring has officially arrived.  We are counting our blessings, none the less, as we’ve had very little snow compared to our neighbors to the north and west. 
We are enclosing an interesting article about the Washington Baum Bridge.  The repairs on it will not be completed this winter as planned.  However, we are very grateful that they do plan to reopen the bridge in the spring.  Can you even imagine what a summer on the Outer Banks would be like if we only had one bridge open? 
In real estate news, Twiddy & Company is very proud to announce that our offices in Duck and Corolla ranked as number one and two for the entire Outer Banks for both December and January.  Since 2004 our market share has nearly doubled, going from 4.3% up to 7.5%.  This is further evidence that you can trust us to work very hard for you when it comes to buying and selling real estate on the Outer Banks. 

The inventory remained on a downward trend up until this year, but the market continues to make slow and steady progress towards recovery. Currently, the inventory is up by 5% for both residential and land listings.  The spring market is typically a very busy time for buyers, so we expect the inventory to level out in the next couple of months. 
As always, if you have any real estate related questions please be in touch. 

January Recap

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A Winter Wonderland best describes the scenery here on the Outer Banks last month. We had three  inches of snow one week and another eight inches the following week.  Temperatures were in the low teens and wind gusts up to 45 mph.  We haven’t experienced weather like that since 2003. Schools were closed a total of five days making for some very happy children and plenty of nerve-wracked parents.  Needless to say, our community is still recovering from this unusual storm!
January was a busy month for sales.  We listed four new properties for sale, and we are enclosing flyers for each of them for your review.  The number of pending sales are not as robust as we’d like to see, however.  In fact, they are at an all-time low with only eighteen pending residential contracts on the northern beaches.   The trend of placing homes in the under-contract-continue-to-show status rather than as under-contract is the culprit.  Because of the due diligence provision in the current sales contract, agents are now refraining from placing properties as under-contract until all inspections and loan approvals have been completed.  The due diligence clause allows buyers to walk away for any reason or no reason until the deadline.  This is complicating matters for sellers, but when working with buyers, the due diligence clause is our best friend.  We suspect that the due diligence clause will eventually be eliminated from the sales contract.  In the meantime, expect the number of homes reported as under-contract to be reduced. 
In other news, the flood insurance rate hike has been delayed for another four years.  An economic impact study will be done by FEMA.  We will continue to keep you posted. 
Let us hear from you!

December Recap

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The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is now behind us, and the children are heading back to school.  We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and 2014 is off to a great start!   

December remained a mild month on the Outer Banks.  We even had one beach day towards the middle of the month!  Each year we find that more and more visitors spend their fall and winter holiday vacations here on the Outer Banks and in Duck especially.  We enjoyed two weeks of visitors this year, and our sidewalks and restaurants were  summerlike with activity.   We expect a lot of visitors once again for the Martin Luther King holiday weekend.  Time will tell if they will be ready to take advantage of the great real estate deals of today’s market.  

2013 wasn’t our year to break records.  We closed close to 7 million in sales as a team, ranking us once again among the top agents on the Outer Banks.  Residential sales were down 3% from 2012.  However, land sales increased by 7%.  We have enclosed the year-end statistical report for your review.  The good news is that inventory continues to slowly decline.  The even better news is that short sales are down by 26%, and foreclosures are down by 19%.  Most predict that interest rates will go up before the end of 2014.  The perfect ingredients are in place for the Outer Banks real estate market to flourish once again.   

Let us hear from you!

October Recap

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The month of October held true to expectations, and was spectacular for the myriad of fall outdoor events even though the second week of the month disappointed us a little with daily rain showers.  The Duck Jazz Festival was a tremendous success.  It just seems to get better every year.  The Seafood Festival, held on the third weekend in October is also gaining in popularity and will likely be an annual event.  With live music and strong participation from local restaurants, you’ll want to catch it next year if you missed it, and you will surely want to go back if you attended this year.
The closure of the west bound side of the Wright Memorial Bridge has not continued to cause traffic problems.  Now that the off season is upon us, we are finding that one bridge is enough to handle the egress and influx.   
In real estate news, fall has helped bring the sales figures for 2013 more in line with those of 2012.  Land sales are up by 6%, and  building activity is noticeably on the rise.  Residential sales are down by only 1%.  The overall market is up by 1% compared to this time last year.  The foreclosure filings remain consistent each month, but the number of residential short sales has declined by 20%.  We are experiencing a slight decline in overall sales for 2013, but overall market health is consistent. 

September Recap

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September ushered in some amazing fall weather with cool north breezes. The traffic back-up due to lane closures on the Wright Memorial Bridge resulted in a summer-like traffic feeling. However, if you have plans to visit the Outer Banks in October no need to worry, as things have calmed down a bit now.  If you aren’t planning to be on the Outer Banks in October, you should!  The weather couldn’t be better, and the Duck Jazz Festival and the Parade of Homes are on the immediate horizon.

Meanwhile, the government shut down has impacted our peak fishing season along the Cape Hatteras National Seashore.  The beaches are closed for our neighbors just to the south.  Perhaps areas just to the north will see increased fishing activity.  Other closures include the Wright Brothers National Monument and the Raleigh National Historic Site.  We are bracing ourselves for the certain economic impact that is to follow, and we are hopeful that this will be short term.

In real estate news, 2013 hasn’t been a banner year.  Year-to-date sales remain flat with only a 1% increase in activity.  The total volume is down by 5%.  The news is good for buyers, as the average sales price and the median sale price are down by 6%.  Inventory is on the rise by 1% this fall.  The number of under-contract properties along the Outer Banks is currently down by 6%.  The interest rates have remained in the mid 4% range.  Despite a slightly higher interest rate, the market continues to favor buyers. As always, please do not hesitate to be in touch if you have any real estate related needs. 

Enjoy your fall! 

August Recap

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The 2013 peak summer season is now behind us, and the kids have gone back to school.  We’ve been enjoying some fantastic weather in recent weeks.  Temperatures were cooler than what is normally expected for August.  The wind shifting to a cool north breeze has already given us a handful of fall-like days. 
August also wound up being the busiest month for tourism on the northern beaches.  Twiddy & Company was fully booked for three weeks during August, while July saw a bit of a decline in occupancy rates.  Unfortunately, traffic congestion on Saturdays in August was more intense than we’ve experienced in past summers.  If you plan to visit the Outer Banks during the off season this year, be prepared for slowly moving traffic over the Wright Memorial Bridge.  On Sept 15th the westbound side of the Bridge will closed for repairs, and it will not reopen until May of 2014.  The bridge has a series of dips that require repairs.  The North Carolina Department of Transportation will spend $6.3 million to correct the problem. 
In real estate news, rates seem to have settled in the 4’s for now.  We are hoping they will not increase any more in the near future.  We do not expect rates to decrease below 4% again in the near future.  The number of properties placed under contract is down at this time by approximately 1/3.  This is typical of late summer, and sales will probably pick up as fall approaches.  We will continue to keep you posted. 
As always, if you have any real estate related questions or concerns, please let us hear from you.